*From:* Andrew Restuccia <xxx@politico.com> *Date:* July 15, 2017 at 2:53:31 PM EDT
*Subject:* *Bedminster pool report #3*

POTUS spoke with Suzann Pettersen in the glass-enclosed viewing area for about 10 minutes. Pettersen was ID'd by several photographers, and your pooler (who knows nothing about golf) has confirmed it was her.

POTUS gave Pettersen a blue "Make America Great Again" hat. She held the hat up and the crowd cheered. He kissed her on both cheeks when they greeted each other.

Pettersen is a Norwegian golfer who is playing in this weekend's tournament.

POTUS is now watching golf in the viewing area.

Apologies for the typo in the previous report. It should be "golf course," not "gold course, though there is certainly a gold motif here.

The White House has declined to provide more details on the president's plans for the rest of the day.

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