*From:* "Schmitz, Alexandra" <xxx@tcpalm.com>
*Date:* December 30, 2017 at 2:41:35 PM EST
*Subject:**[WHCA Print] [WH Pool] Travel Pool Report #3: Leaving Trump International Golf Club*

At 2:36 p.mthe presidents motorcade pulled out of Trump International Golf Club.

The White House has not responded to inquiries about the presidents activities today while he was the club.

Your pooler spotted a man standing across the street from the club holding a sign that says My heroes (sic) President Trump.

Your pooler also spotted a single protestor outside of the golf club, a woman holding a hand-made cardboard cut out of Trumps face with the text Pants on Fire.

We are now en route to an unknown destination, but taking a familiar route down Southern Blvd.

Ali Schmitz Florida Politics Reporter -USA Today Network 772-xxx-xxxx | @schmitzmedia

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