*From:* Jordan Fabian <xxx@thehill.com>
*Date:* February 16, 2018 at 9:36:22 PM EST
*Subject:**Travel print pool report #7 - Mar-a-Lago arrival *

Motorcade dropped off POTUS and FLOTUS at Mar-a-Lago at 9:28 PM, after an approximately 45-minute drive from Ft. Lauderdale.

The usual crowd of onlookers on Southern Blvd. in W. Palm Beach was smaller than usual given our late Friday night arrival.

Mostly folks standing on the sidewalk holding up smartphones, but a few waved American flags and held signs. A sampling:

Make America Great Again
Parkland 17
Trump Pence
F Trump Pence
DACA Youth: Lives of service

Press vans are en route to hotel. Pool still awaiting list of names of participants from law enforcement round table.

Sent from my iPhone

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